Opening Days and Hours
Dates/days/times open:
Please check with garden owners or their website to confirm current dates open
Grounds open all year; daily except Christmas Day; 10am - 6pm (closes 5pm 1st Jan - end Mar)
House Open for Viewing:
National Garden Scheme days:
Best Times of Year to Visit:
Admission Prices
Adult £14.88; Child £11.04; Over 60s £11.04; Student £12; Disabled/Carer £8.16; Disabled Child £6.24; Family (2A + 2C) £45.12: Online costs only. At door costs 20% higher
Onsite Facilities
Other Facilities & Comments:
Garden Features & Events
English Heritage/Visit Scotland Garden Grade:
Nearby Cambridgeshire Hotels, Facilities & Amenities
Villages / Towns / Sightseeing: