Opening Days and Hours
Dates/days/times open:
Mar - Sept incl; Thursdays only. 9.00am to 4.30pm
Group Appointment:
Guided tours available by advance booking.
House Open for Viewing:
National Garden Scheme days:
Best Times of Year to Visit:
Admission Prices
Entry €5 per adult,children under 12 free.
Pre-booked guided tour €15 per person
Onsite Facilities
Other Facilities & Comments:
Limited Disabled Access.
Soup and sandwiches,cakes etc available in our cafe,Pub lunches available nearby.
Garden Features & Events
English Heritage/Visit Scotland Garden Grade:
Nearby Cambridgeshire Hotels, Facilities & Amenities
Villages / Towns / Sightseeing:
Description of Garden
70 acres of stunning woodland garden with the largest plant collection in Ireland.